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      Experts of China Railway Corporation visited our company

      Source: Time:2017-09-10

    • On 8th September, a group of 9 including Hu huafeng Division Chief of China Railway Corporation and the others from China Academy of Railway Sciences and CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co.,Ltd visited our company accompanying by leader of Provincial Development and Reform Commission, leader of Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Mr.Li Changhong chairman of the board and held a seminar on the application of basalt fiber.


      In the meeting, a wide discussion was made on the application of basalt fiber composite materials in rail transit industry, and the direction for joint research and development projects in future was set up.

    • Back: DIN SPEC25714 Basalt fibers-Technical specification
    • Next:Jilin Tongxin and Cetex Institute participated in China Composites Expo 2017
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